Firefly Art Fair 2022

Hooray! My tent has arrived in time for the Firefly Art Fair on August 6th & 7th. A year ago I moved back to Wisconsin and learned that Wauwatosa is a Potawatomi word for firefly. Maybe this area has more fireflies than others? I would like to think so. Besides, who doesn't love fireflies? They are one of the few bugs that do not gross me out and bring up nostalgic memories. I would like to thank Sarah Beckett from SB Framing Gallery for doing an amazing job framing my paintings for this event. This will be the first art fair I've participated in, and I'm looking forward to it!

As a donation piece, I drew snapdragons from our garden. This year for Valentine's Day I asked my partner to buy us flowers for our AeroGarden. The flowers took off and soon out grew our AeroGarden. I transplanted them into our garden in the spring where they are thriving! My favorite thing about snapdragons is the shape of their seedpods -- they look like tiny skulls that you can plant around your house to keep evil spirts away. I should plant more.

I had to include this video because I think it's so precious! I was trying to figure out how to hang paintings from this tent in our back yard, and a little butterfly stopped in to visit. It made my day, I would love to hire it for the art fair!

Coloring a Castle


This painting is of St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church in Baltimore. I've wanted to paint this church since moving here. I finally got the chance to paint it from Patterson Park! Which is a lovely park in Baltimore if you are in the area. While I was working on this painting some children walking by told me they liked my "coloring of a castle" which I thought was really cute way of describing plein air painting.


This painting is 8x10 inches. Oil on canvas. It was framed at the Unicorn Studio and Frame and is currently available at Kaya Furniture and Design here in Baltimore, Maryland.

Copy of Louis Marie Henri Raoul Prat


I started this copy a long time ago and had to put it on hold. It's rather large, and I didn't have the space to work on it again until recently. The artist is Louis Marie Henri Raoul Prat. His figure drawing, "Figure Designee D'apres Nature" is located at Ecole nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, I requested a high-resolution image through Art Resource for this project. The drawing is 25" x 18" charcoal and white chalk on roma paper.


Here is my copy next to a print of Prat's drawing.


I recently got this drawing framed at the Unicorn Studio and Frame. Thanks Pat, drawings always look better in a frame!